Covid19 Models , datasets for different types of predictions related to mortality and vaccination
Covid19 Models , datasets for different types of predictions related to mortality and vaccination
October 10, 2020
As time -series feature extraction have played an important role in analyzing trends, predicting future events and anomalies, it becomes important for data scientists to get acquainted with different libraries. One such library is tsfeatures
Feature Stores constitute one of the principal frameworks in data injestion, pipeline creation, training, deploying and serving ML models in offline and online predictive systems.
Optimistic Machine Learning-privacy satisfying accurate models Motivation Machine learning models have been known to leak information about the individual data records on which they were trained. One of the mechanisms include : membership inference attack: Where a data record and black-box access to a model is used to determine if the record was in the model’s training dataset. Membership inference against a target model uses adversarial machine learning to train custom interface models to recognise […]
Key Innovation by Samsung AI Research on Adversarial Learning Motivation Convolutional neural networks have been successful in generating realistic human head images by training neural networks on a large dataset of images of a single person. However, in many practical scenarios, such personalized talking customised head models has to be built with extra features that can display some of the physical characteristics of the human body (including eyes, ears, checks, movement of face). When such […]